2 thoughts on “Women’s Weekend Getaway (With Guns!)

  1. Pingback: Women’s Weekend Getaway (With Guns!) | The Gun Feed

  2. Greetings,

    I embrace your article chronicling your seminar at Gun Site. The current generation of professors appears to be carrying on Lt. Col. Cooper’s college teach ing the way of the warrior.

    In 1884 my Pararescue Team (USAF, ground pounder, rescue and medical folks) attended a one week precision marksmanship course that Jeff designed for our version of the M-16. His thesis was simple: make every round count, which was critical as we operated on the ground with only the ammunition that we deployed with ( I carried 266 rounds).

    As did your Range Master and his staff taught you well, Jeff and his cadre of warriors schooled us as precision marksmen. Our Team guys trained very hard and departed with amazing shooting skills. Suffice that Jeff’s course infused us with skills that allowed use to operate and survive.

    Thank you for essaying your experience at Gun Site. I am humbly taking the liberty of publishing your article to my Team members at our reunion in Prescott, AZ 13 – 15 Sep 13. I / we will travel to Gun Site and pay our respects to the present generation of warriors who are schooling those fortunate enough to attend any course offered at Gun Site.

    God Speed,

    Timothy Kells Nixon,
    Msgt. USAF, Retired,
    Active Member State Bar of California

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